Centered around the concept of the interconnectedness and interdependence of humans and the environment, Kaleidoscope MusArt’s 2017-18 season Out of Doors continues with Birds Spirits – a program of piano masterpieces inspired by nature’s own virtuosi, the birds. From examples of direct onomatopoeia to conceptual representations of these fascinating creatures, the music of Jean-Philippe Rameau, Mikhail Glinka/Mily Balakirev, Franz Liszt, Olivier Messiaen, William Bolcom, Robert Schumann, and Maurice Ravel will incite your imagination to take flight.
“L’ alouette Calandrelle” from Catalogue d’oiseaux, Book 5 – Olivier Messiaen
“La Poule” – Jean-Philippe Rameau
“Oiseaux Tristes” from Miroirs – Maurice Ravel
The Lark – Mihail Glinka/Mily Balakirev
Selections from Le rossignol eperdu – Reynaldo Hahn
Bird Spirits – William Bolcom
Legend No. 1: St. Francis of Assisi’s Sermon to the Birds – Franz Liszt
Waldszenen Op. 82 – Robert Schumann
Lindsay Garritson
Priscila Navarro
Yianni Iliadis
Inesa Gegprifti
at Steinway Piano Gallery
4104 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL 33146